Play4Autism is proud to announce that they are teaming up with The Shops at Atlas Park for their First Annual Autism Awareness Action Day on April 28th from 12 – 5 p.m.
Play4Autism’s mission is to increase public awareness and acceptance of Autism, while improving the quality of life and hope for children. We will achieve this goal by introducing children on the Autism Spectrum and their families to our Kidz into Action Program.
This will help to improve their self-esteem & social interaction, increase their communication and leadership skills plus teach them how to sustain regular lifelong physical activity as a foundation for a healthy, productive and fulfilling life.
Join us for a day of spreading awareness and acceptance about autism and others on the special needs spectrum to give individuals the opportunity to learn and open their eyes to the world that has been blessed by people with autism.
The day will consist of:
Fun & games for all. Live DJ. Educational and Information booths & tables. Face-painting. Gymnastics, Yoga & Martial Arts demonstrations. Arts & Crafts. Interactive sports stations. Autograph sessions with professional athletes (based on availability). NYPD & NYFD information with regards to their interaction with individuals on the spectrum. Vendor Booths/Tables, Raffles and more!!
Assemblyman Angelo Santabarbara will join in the fun, to discuss his ongoing work to improve the lives of individuals on the Autism & Special Needs Spectrum and the Autism Action NY package of legislation to enhance the quality of life for New Yorkers living with Autism. This five-point plan is aimed at increasing job opportunities, providing independent housing options, improving access to information, assisting in communication and, most importantly, creating a centralized location for services in New York
And remember even though April is AUTISM AWARENESS MONTH, individuals along the Autism & Special Needs Spectrum live it every day, so let's remember to always practice inclusion and spread love & kindness to all
Visit for more information.
The Shops at Atlas Park is located at 8000 Cooper Avenue in Glendale, Queens.